Cosmic Flow

A done-for-you bespoke altar light service designed to bring spiritual power to your situation

Are You Currently Challenged By...

 Getting out of your own head and moving forward within a situation?

✔ Being too stressed to trust the unfolding process of your own life?

✔ Feeling too ungrounded to perform your own cosmic rituals effectively?

Imagine What It Would Be Like If Your Soul & Infinite Consciousness Aligned For Grace To Permeate Your Life?

Allow pure Source energy to fully flow through you, activating the unified field:

✔ Receiving the signals your soul is giving you.

Feeling more capable of doing what you are being guided toward.

Expressing yourself in a way that feels truthful and aligned with your soul essence.

That's why I created this bespoke altar light service...

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➜ To make a direct, conscious link with the Source energy flowing through you, you need to state your intention for that connection.

➜ This activates and directs the divine within you in order to deliberately draw from it. Once you do this, assistance from the unseen spiritual realm can intercede, directly impacting your situation.

➜ Afterwards, it is up to you to remain receptive to intuitive messages and be willing to act on harmonious inspired action as synchronicities arise so that the light augments your efforts.

➜ Potential side-effects include but are not limited to; dissolving obstacles on your path, attracting good fortune and increasing divine grace.

I designed Cosmic Flow for spiritual seekers who want to bring profound spiritual power to their situation.

Allow me tell you more about it!

Bring about positive transformation & healing in response to a particular situation.

A subtle yet profound ritual gesture to represent bringing what you desire into form.

Stream a potent energy current toward your intent to unfold in divine timing.

Here's How The Process Works:


Upon completion of payment, PayPal will direct you to an online form to send me your details and the subject of focus for your ritual sending. Please note: Each altar light addresses ONE subject at a time.


I calculate the best day and time for your session with the moon and stars, then in sacred space (working with your personal Interdimensional Support Team and mine) I connect with your unique energy.


Next, I load a tealight candle utilising enchanted oils, ancient Runes and Reiki to augment and direct the cosmic forces they represent with a petition for pure Source light to favourably intervene on your behalf. 


Your light remains on my dedicated altar within a high frequency quartz crystal grid placed over your astrological chart, as unique as your fingerprints (like Spirit GPS) for approximately 4-5 hours until it is complete. A PDF that includes a photo of your altar light is emailed to you within 24 hours.


The spiral of energy raised is sentient, meaning it will continue to develop over the days that follow the ritual, unfolding at the most appropriate rate and frequency in perfect divine timing.

Weaving The Elements Into a Unified Field For
Divine Magic To Transpire Assists You To:

✔ Align your inner fire, life force and actions

So that you can merge the energies of the spiritual and material realms.

✔ Begin to see yourself as a spark of the Divine

So that you can make better decisions in harmony with your unique expression in this world.

✔ Harness the power of mystery and creation

So that you can observe the puzzle pieces start to inexplicably slot in place around you.

Book Now for $25 USD 

Altar Light ✦ One Subject

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You don’t need a Paypal account to make a secure payment with Paypal. Simply ignore the prompts and continue with "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" to purchase.

Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this purchase it is final and you are acknowledging and agreeing to my standard terms and conditions.

What Fellow Lightweavers Are Saying:

“I've been sleeping better even right after I booked the ritual. Then it got better last night. And I have more courage to end some things that needed to go anyway. Thank you and so many blessings to you.” ~ D.T.

“At first we were quite shocked and devastated. Your ritual certainly worked, they recovered the stolen item late last night − going there to fetch it tomorrow. They also arrested one suspect so far. Your rituals do work and my husband now believes me, ha ha. Thank you ever so much for your help, you are great!” ~ G.C.

“You’ve done it again! I can’t thank you enough… you are such a blessing and truly gifted! I’m so happy the universe got us to meet. Love, love, love this!" ~ K.W.

“I was a bit offbeat for a few days after you performed the ritual, but today something happened that brought a brand new opportunity I don’t think I would have considered before.” ~ M.C.

“I’ve been trying to start my own biz but have done close to nothing in the past several weeks. The divine messages I got were to take action but my progress in these areas have been sporadic and I often ended up doing things that were counterproductive. Your ritual was zestifying and I could feel myself pulling all those good vibes in! Thank you so much, just for being you." ~ J.W.

“I feel you have given me the oomph to work more effectively through my situation. What a gift you have to be able to connect with a complete stranger from a different part of the world, it is truly amazing!" S.P.

“I appreciate all your help, your ritual has been shifting things around. Even shut something down as soon as I sent you my intentions. It's like rearranging things in my life. I can't explain it..." R.K.

This Service Is Perfect For You If You Want To Elicit Spiritual Power For Any Of The Following:

✔ General Healing: Spiritual sustenance to restore your body, mindset, emotions and energy field to their optimal state for well-being. Includes: Chronic health conditions, persistent pain, pre-op, post-op etc.

✔ Spiritual Hygiene: Transforming stale energy from old triggers, inner child wounding, generational strife, karmic cleansing where possible. Includes: Removal of etheric parasites, implants and bad juju. Shielding from negativity. Bringing tranquility to your home etc.

✔ Specific Events: Additional spiritual support through specific circumstances you may be concerned about. E.G. Childbirth, finding a suitable partner, travel, litigation, job hunting, finding a new home, completing finals etc.

✔ Life Transitions: Extra spiritual support as you enter a new life chapter such as marriage, divorce, bereavement, grief, getting over an ex, relocation, new occupation, retirement, empty nest etc.

✔ Life Goals: Supplemental spiritual support to facilitate disentanglement from what could be holding you back from achieving your life goals.

It doesn't matter if you are on the other side of the world or aren't typically sensitive to energy

Most people find these types of sessions with me relaxing and/or rejuvenating and report sensations of heat or tingling, some even feel “hands” stroking their aura as the energy moves through their entire system.

Sometimes, clients feel very little or nothing ~ this does not mean that it is not working for you, everyone is different in their sensitivity of psychic energy and perception of it.

It doesn't matter if you are super busy with chores and errands or commuting two hours to work each way

These bespoke service is highly flexible across all time zones, with ZERO impact on your schedule. No appointments, baby sitters or finding a parking space necessary.

You can be asleep or going about your day as usual, be relaxing in the tub, in a meditation, or on your Yoga mat at the time of your session, whatever you prefer.

I would love to assist you with raising your vibrational tone and enhancing your connection to creative life force.

Let's get started!

Book Now for $25 USD 

Altar Light ✦ One Subject

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Secure Payment via PayPal

You don’t need a Paypal account to make a secure payment with Paypal. Simply ignore the prompts and continue with "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" to purchase.

Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this purchase it is final and you are acknowledging and agreeing to my standard terms and conditions.


What is included in Cosmic Flow?

Answer: A bespoke altar light attuned to your intention that burns for 4-5 hours. Plus, a personalised mini report in PDF from me (Stella!) that includes a photo of your grid, emailed to you within 24 hours of completion.


How do I book my Cosmic Flow altar light?

Answer: Click the button below and "book" your spot. Note: I always calculate the best day and time for your session using the moon and stars.

How do I receive the energy activation?

Answer: You don't need to do anything except be willing to receive intuitive guidance, then follow through on it in practical ways as synchronicities arise.

How often can I book a Cosmic Flow altar light?

Answer: There is no limit to the number of Cosmic Altar Lights you can book. Whenever you feel you need to bring some favourable influence to a situation you may request one.

Do you offer refunds?

Answer: No. As this is a bespoke service, supplies are used and time is spent therefore, I do not offer any refunds for any reason. No exceptions. Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this service, your purchase is final.

Ready to find out how the mystical forces of the cosmos will support you?

I would love to assist you in attaining the state of grace you crave.

Let's do this!

Book Now for $25 USD 

Altar Light ✦ One Subject

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Click the Paypal button below. You will receive confirmation of payment in a matter of moments.

Secure Payment via PayPal

You don’t need a Paypal account to make a secure payment with Paypal. Simply ignore the prompts and continue with "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" to purchase.

Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this purchase it is final and you are acknowledging and agreeing to my standard terms and conditions.

Stella Seaspirit | Spiritual Life Coach + Reiki Master |

Stella Seaspirit is a spiritual mentor who helps people reunite with their soul wisdom so they can consciously explore a deeper bond with their interdimensional or spiritual nature.

She is a qualified holistic therapist, certified life coach, Usui Reiki master and holds a postgraduate degree in psychology.

Stella works with spiritual seekers using a variety of modalities and sacred rituals to help them connect to their intrinsic magic.