Cosmic Prescription

Weekly done-for-you healing and alignment sessions designed to dismantle barriers & pave the way for divine synchronicities

Are You Currently Challenged By...

✔ Getting stuck in your head, causing you to spin your wheels, procrastinate, self-sabotage or doubt yourself?

✔ Prioritising the needs of others, setting your own self-care aside, as you try to find your way to success?

✔ Dealing with life's curveballs as you journey toward your life goals?

Imagine What It Would Be Like If You Felt
More Clear, Confident and Connected To Your Higher Guidance
With Practical Strategy to Move Forward on Your Path?

Step into a state of alignment and flow to initiate a new, joyful, fulfilling way of living and being:

✔ Accessing your inner power, building your self-trust, deepening self-belief and increasing your sense of knowing that life is always working out for the best.

Clearing limitations that stand between you and your dreams, releasing unconscious obstacles that might be blocking your flow of abundance or intuition.

Making the most aligned choices for yourself, allowing yourself to receive and creating the most satisfying circumstances.

That's why I created Cosmic Prescriptions...

Spots are limited.

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"All things must come to the soul from its roots, from where it is planted."
— Saint Teresa of Avila

Once you can clearly see and feel what resonates in your body as true to your core, it’s easy to make decisions and take harmonious action — which transforms your life, weekly.

I designed the Cosmic Rx for lightworkers and starseeds who want to explore their highest possibility, open to new opportunities and experiences that are perfect for them to build the life they truly desire.

Allow me tell you more about it!

Find clarity about your next steps so you can get unstuck, move forward and build momentum in a way that feels good to you

Clear hidden blocks causing fear or confusion and build resilience to distraction, what trips you up, or pulls you out of your centre

Experience more ease and flow where your heart and mind work in unison, empowering your goals to thrive in this physical world

Here's How The Process Works:


4 x 11-minute Giza Crystal Reiki sessions performed remotely by me on your behalf, every Monday for the week ahead. (When there are FIVE Mondays in a month you score a bonus session)!

PLUS tailored guidance to help you untangle thoughts, expectations, beliefs and emotions that you may be holding onto so that you are making things simpler and lighter steadily every week!


You don’t need to do any preparation before your weekly sessions. Upon booking, simply set the intention to allow and receive the energy work being done on your behalf every Sunday before sleep, facilitating a vortex of energy between us.


Working with a very special set of double terminated clear quartz crystals that were encoded in the Queen’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Giza for 48 hours, I evoke the celestial and elemental energies already within your DNA to facilitate an embodied shift.


Your astrological natal chart, as unique as your fingerprints, is beneath the crystal grid (it acts like Spirit GPS for the energy sending) since every single cell in your body carries this cosmic imprint from the moment you were born for what you wanted to be, do and have in this incarnation.


The quartz crystal grid links up with the grand crystal grid of the Earth and conducts the spiral of energy to wherever you are, permeating your physical and subtle bodies. The spiral of energy is sentient and cumulative thus, will develop over the days, weeks and months that follow.

Cosmic Rx Assists You To Accomplish Your Fullest Potential With:


So that you can create alignment with the new and improved experiences you desire to manifest OR at least see evidence that it's on its way.

✔ Accountability

So that you take consistent, grounded, steps forward on your path, progressively elevating from one week to the next.

✔ Support

So that you feel calmer navigating change (rapid or subtle and layered), trust your own capabilities as a spiritual being experiencing a physical world.

Your Cosmic Prescription Includes:

Weekly 11-min Reiki Blast

I work remotely, with clear quartz encoded in the Queen’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Giza for 48 hours, facilitating energy work that transcends the cognitive mind.

Weekly Aligned Action

Short and sweet personalised guidance with a suggested spiritual practice/ technique based on what arises so you continue to grow, shift and create. Email me when needed.

Weekly Bespoke Altar Light

An enchanted candle attuned to celestial transits which activates and directs the divine light within you to draw spiritual intervention and blessings so you are steadily advancing.

Book Now for $200 USD
Billed every 30 days

(4x Healing & Alignment Sessions + 1x Bonus Session when
there are five Mondays in a month + 4x Altar Lights)

Click the Paypal button below. You will receive confirmation of payment in a matter of moments.

Secure Payment via PayPal

You don’t need a Paypal account to make a secure payment with Paypal. Simply ignore the prompts and continue with "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" to purchase.

Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this purchase it is final and you are acknowledging and agreeing to my standard terms and conditions.

What Fellow Lightweavers Are Saying:

Stella’s approach is in fact very practical and grounded, it was empowering and soothing at the same time. I feel my confidence is growing and even though I am not sure where it is all taking me, I can feel momentum building. That I am on the right track.


Tilburg, The Netherlands |

Another Happy Client! |

I couldn’t really see major shifts however I just felt that much better every week.  I know that I walk more confident in myself and my abilities, as it helped me see and understand the power that I have to create the magic in my life.


Victoria, Australia

Another Happy Client! |

Working with Stella I feel like I’m listening and moving with the flow and trusting, rather than pushing, manipulating or controlling.

Heidi Lidholm

Chamonix, France |

Another Happy Coven Member! |

Now I am able to acknowledge and release that which does not serve me quickly and easily. I am able to face the world with open eyes and an open heart. Working with Stella helped me find and maintain balance within myself.


Texas, USA

After working with Stella I have more patience to understand what comes my way as in what I think, do and don’t see or experience. I have learnt how very soft yet how very determined I really am! I now talk to the winds of change with confidence that they can hear, see and feel me too, no matter how much patience it takes.


Tasmania, Australia

I'd gladly work with Stella again because I like her approach of honesty… not just trying to make me feel better, instead guiding me into insight about the situation at hand. I feel like I don’t want to just stop here now! I want to develop more and more.


Gauteng, South Africa

Distance Reiki |

Aspects of grids may vary at different times.

The Giza Crystals I work with cannot be bought, only gifted by the world renowned master astrologer, psychic and extraterrestrial contactee known as Lavandar to specific crystal networkers who hold the intent, alignment and commitment that correspond to planetary balance.
No one else on the planet works with these crystals the same way as I do.

This Service Is Perfect For You If:

✔ You are ready for an embodied shift, a next level spiritual awakening and/or raised consciousness.

✔ You desire to enhance your spiritual capabilities and live from the truth of who you are.

✔ You are open to self-transformation; body, mind and soul, for a positive ripple effect throughout your life.

✔ You want to receive cosmic activation of your divine soul blueprint to inspire and fuel your life path.

It doesn't matter if you are on the other side of the world or aren't typically sensitive to energy

Most people find these types of sessions with me relaxing and/or rejuvenating and report sensations of heat or tingling, some even feel “hands” stroking their aura as the energy moves through their entire system.

Sometimes, clients feel very little or nothing ~ this does not mean that it is not working for you, everyone is different in their sensitivity of psychic energy and perception of it.

It doesn't matter if you are super busy with chores and errands or commuting two hours to work each way

These rites are highly flexible across all time zones, with ZERO impact on your schedule. No appointments, baby sitters or finding a parking space necessary.

You can be asleep or going about your day as usual, the energy will find you.

I would love to help you trust your intuition to experience more inner peace and spaciousness which brings greater clarity and confidence.

Let's get started!

Book Now for $200 USD
Billed every 30 days

(4x Healing & Alignment Sessions + 1x Bonus Session when
there are five Mondays in a month + 4x Altar Lights)

Click the Paypal button below. You will receive confirmation of payment in a matter of moments.

Secure Payment via PayPal

You don’t need a Paypal account to make a secure payment with Paypal. Simply ignore the prompts and continue with "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" to purchase.

Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this purchase it is final and you are acknowledging and agreeing to my standard terms and conditions.


What is included in the Cosmic Prescription?

Answer: Every Monday you will receive a personalised mini report in PDF from me (Stella!) that includes a photo of your grid from  each 11-minute remote Giza Crystal Reiki session as well as short and sweet bespoke guidance, emailed to you. Plus, a weekly custom altar light attuned to celestial transits so you are steadily advancing toward your highest destiny.


How do I book my Cosmic Prescription?

Answer: Click the button below and "book" your spot. Please Note: On "Astral Spa Mondays" I operate on a first come, first served basis in order to accommodate everyone who has booked a Cosmic Prescription. This is a personalised service where I focus and connect with your energy directly (not a group session).


How do I receive the interdimensional energy sending?

Answer: The energy will find you in the most optimal way at the most appropriate rate wherever you are. You don't need to do anything except be willing to receive intuitive guidance, then follow through on it in practical ways as synchronicities arise.


My path is undefined, I'm exploring my options – will this suit me?

Answer: Yes! I work directly with pure Source energy so it is easily adaptable to suit your preferences without the pressure of accepting or rejecting any specific set of beliefs.

Do you offer refunds?

Answer: No. As this is a bespoke service, supplies are used and time is spent therefore, I do not offer any refunds for any reason. No cancellations. No exceptions. Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this service, your purchase is final.

Ready to step into a more aligned state of flow?

I would love to assist you in knowing where to direct your energy next.

Let's do this!

Book Now for $200 USD
Billed every 30 days

(4x Healing & Alignment Sessions + 1x Bonus Session when
there are five Mondays in a month + 4x Altar Lights)

Click the Paypal button below. You will receive confirmation of payment in a matter of moments.

Secure Payment via PayPal

You don’t need a Paypal account to make a secure payment with Paypal. Simply ignore the prompts and continue with "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" to purchase.

Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this purchase it is final and you are acknowledging and agreeing to my standard terms and conditions.

Stella Seaspirit | Spiritual Life Coach + Reiki Master |

Stella Seaspirit is a spiritual mentor who helps people reunite with their soul wisdom so they can consciously explore a deeper bond with their interdimensional or spiritual nature.

She is a qualified holistic therapist, certified life coach, Usui Reiki master and holds a postgraduate degree in psychology.

Stella works with spiritual seekers using a variety of modalities and sacred rituals to help them connect to their intrinsic magic.