Synergy 1:1

Ongoing Personalised Support to Sustain Yourself With Divine Inspiration & Energy so Your Creative Projects Can Flourish

Are You Currently Challenged By Consistently Striving Toward Meaningful Goals While Staying Aligned With Your Soul Source?

It's not that you don't want to take bold action and excel, you're also human
and get pulled in different directions.
You're purposeful, innovative and driven, but you're having trouble with...

✔ Taking the me-time to focus on the little things that ignite your mojo that attracts opportunities and resources that lead to greater success?

Giving priority to others, finding yourself lacklustre, stressed, overwhelmed or fatigued?

Trusting yourself and showing up as the confident, extraordinary light that you know you really are?

Imagine What It Would Be Like If You Felt
More Resilient, Serene & Capable
While Traversing a Disruptive World?

Moving through life like a force of nature, expressing your purpose and ingenuity every day:

✔ Making the progress you want to make, moving in the best direction and excelling on the path you have chosen.

Getting better at accessing that still space within to make heart-based decisions, then allowing greater forces to oversee and design the "how".

Responding to life's hiccups from a steady, radiant core so that things resolve themselves sooner and more efficiently.

That's why I created Synergy...

Or continue reading...

It's time for you to have a high vibe mentor by your side with your best interests at heart so you can fly higher and travel farther, much more rapidly!

Explore integrating your spiritual side in this physical world in a way that feels light, fun and easy in a friendly, confidential, non-judgemental space.

We work from a higher perspective, utilising elemental and celestial energies to put harmonious practical actions in place. Playful curiosity combined with imagination is highly recommended which allows potent possibilities to enter your field of awareness.

I designed the Synergy 1:1 mentoring retainer for spiritual trailblazers who want to feel calm, clear, confident and connected to mystic truths
— applying their creative powers in the real world, for good.

Allow me tell you more about it!

Harness your inner strength and initiative to build a fulfilling life and contribute to a more just world by flowing with the force of love and purpose.

Clear what may be holding you back to stay focused, inspired and intuitively guided, keeping consistent momentum toward meaningful goals.

 Nourish your soul, deepen self-understanding and find beauty in your experience no matter what is going on around you for continued growth and success.

Here's How The Process Works:


The Synergy Initiation

To secure your spot, a twelve month minimum commitment is required.

We schedule your initial session, and then I send your Welcome Packet and prep work which brings me up to speed before the call so we can jump in right away and make magic.


An Immersive Passage

We convene for twelve consecutive monthly 45-60 minute Zoom audio-only sessions, to discuss whatever matter is most in your heart at the time.

On each call, I walk you through a custom Akashic Pathworking to a dimension a thought away, beyond everyday reality, for the experiences you have there to filter into the physical realm — affecting your present and future trajectory, creating a beneficial ripple effect even greater than you can imagine.


Cosmic Resonance

Right after each call, I remotely send you a 30-minute Giza Crystal Reiki blast, for a sublime energy attunement to assimilate your experience. Your astrological chart, as unique as your fingerprints, acts like Spirit GPS carrying your soul blueprint from the moment you were born for what you wanted to be, do and have in this incarnation.


Consistent Vibrational Presence

After the Reiki grid, I prepare a call summary, which is a document detailing points and ideas imparted during each session. It will give you supportive practices unique to where you are at that you can put into immediate action in straightforward, sustainable style.

You receive personalised in-depth guidance and strategic metaphysical advice so that you can deepen your spiritual practise, better access universal wisdom, realise your potential, and rise to meet everyday challenges with purposefulness and poise.

Your Synergy 1:1 Mentoring Retainer Includes:

1:1 Zoom Audio-Only Calls

Share your concerns and desires in clear, open dialogue so we identify and challenge what may be holding you back. We work toward positive change and create the biggest impact from our time together.

Guided Akashic Pathworkings

An instrument for higher consciousness where I walk you through a customised imaginal landscape that creates internal shifts with instant transcendent effects.

Implementation Support

Email me for troubleshooting and advice throughout the duration of your mentoring passage between calls so you can proceed with clarity, confidence and ease.

Aligned Action

Maintain momentum between calls with suggested spiritual practices or quantum techniques tailored to your specific goals. May include simple ritual, journaling prompts and more, based on what arises.

30-Minute Giza Crystal Reiki

I work remotely, with clear quartz encoded in the Queen’s Chamber of the Pyramid of Giza for 48 hours, facilitating energy work that transcends the cognitive mind with immense spiritual power.

Ease of Reference

You get outlines and recordings of our calls to refer back to whenever you like so you don’t need to scramble making notes. Stay serene and enjoy visiting mystical realms.

Quarterly Galactic Activations

Subtle yet profound starlight infusions that prompt change on a cellular level, activating your unique soul blueprint to fuelling accomplishment of your highest potential. (Conducted: March, June, September and December).

Bespoke Altar Light

An enchanted candle set every month to stream a potent energy current toward your intention, activating and directing the divine light within you, to draw spiritual intervention and blessings.

Increased Light Quotient

Plenty of other magical laughs, nuggets of gold and energy shifts that happen with me. After all, the minute our energy is connected, I’m already facilitating boatloads of alchemical shifts and re-alignments for you.

The investment for the
Synergy 1:1 Mentoring Retainer is
$497 USD per month

The first step is to apply!

Click the button below to book your free, no-obligation "Meet & Greet Call"

Secure Payment via PayPal

You don’t need a Paypal account to make a secure payment with Paypal. Simply ignore the prompts and continue with "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" to purchase.

Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this purchase it is final and you are acknowledging and agreeing to my standard terms and conditions.

What Fellow Lightweavers Are Saying:

I booked the mentoring passage because I really wanted to connect with someone who could teach me more about working with energy and stepping into the magic.

Before the sessions I felt quite confused and unsure what to do with newfound abilities. I LOVE how this commitment turned into a regular self-care ritual with the calls, check ins and Reiki. It has really deepened my connection with myself and everyday magic.

It has made my path clearer, unearthed a deep sense of power that I am able to feel more and more. I am very glad to have had this opportunity to connect with someone who is intelligent, down to earth and talking to faeries all at the same time!

It’s a real journey − you have to dive in, but it is so worth doing if you want to grow more into your power and learn to live more magically. It is truly transformative. And fun. It has given me a different perspective; I am more comfortable working with energy now and owning my power.

This work has helped me turn intellectual knowledge into actually “living it”. I knew magic is not something separate, that it permeates everything but I couldn’t live it before, not like I can now.

Stella’s approach is in fact very practical and grounded, it was empowering and soothing at the same time. I feel my confidence is growing and even though I am not sure where it is all taking me, I can feel momentum building. That I am on the right track and that I will finally be able to fully be me, and fully use my talents.

I will absolutely work with Stella in this way again as I really feel understood and that I can talk about anything, no matter how silly it feels at first. As a coach myself I value that some things you just can’t do on your own, Stella is a very wise counsel and I can tell she walks her talk.

Monique, Tilburg, The Netherlands |

I have been working with Stella regularly since 2019 and she has changed my life!

Every time I feel out of alignment, she knows how to bring me back to center within minutes of our session beginning. Afterwards, I always feel clear, focused and calm.

What I love is that she always brings intention into the session to make sure that the transformation or upgrade is effective and that it comes through with ease and grace so there is no long integration time after a session.

Thank you, Stella, for being such a force of light. You are my go-to healer and I continually refer clients to you.

Karoline, Frankfurt, Germany

Another Happy Client

Working with Stella has been illuminating. I have been able to accept myself in so many ways that I was not before and it has helped me to realize that I am the key to my freedom.

I have remembered things about myself from long ago and allies have made themselves known to me. I feel alive and rejuvenated, powerful experiences keep me inspired and moving forward.

I booked the mentoring passage because I wanted to live from a place of self-trust and confidence. Before the sessions I was holding onto past baggage but didn’t know how to let go.

Now I am able to acknowledge and release that which does not serve me quickly and easily. I am able to face the world with open eyes and an open heart. These sessions helped me find and maintain balance within myself.

Stella’s perspective and presence during our conversations helped me to shift in subtle but profound ways. She is open and allowing which helps me to be the same. Stella presents a genuine interest in each session and her weekly guidance was spot on. I felt an immediate trust with Stella prior to working with her and that trust was confirmed week after week.

I was pleasantly surprised by many things during the course of our sessions − at times what seemed to be the most insignificant detail became the most purposeful and resulted in the greatest personal insights.

By incorporating the simple energy alignment and visualization techniques I am more empowered. The releasing meditations and exercises were exactly what I needed and I now understand how to release and receive simultaneously. This process helped me to trust myself because our sessions confirmed all that I already knew and more.

This experience differs from previous experiences as I was accountable for my needs and wants. Whereas, in other previous experiences I would have profound moments but then fall back into my old patterns of thought.

The format of the mentoring passage creates a forward flowing process of self-enlightenment and follow through. It provided a platform for me to share and discuss my thoughts in an open setting where I felt safe with disclosure and where I received instant feedback and guidance.

I would work with Stella again because discussing and sharing methods and outlooks on connecting with self and The All is beneficial. It helps to expand consciousness and the free flow of energy. This passage has truly helped me in body, mind and soul. I am brighter and lighter!

Shirley, Texas, USA

This Service Is Perfect For You If:

✔ You are spiritually aware and want to nourish your soul while you are being challenged to grow, feeling confident that you can consciously influence the particles around you proactively

✔ Your life is full so your spirituality tends to take a backseat to work and family life however, this is important to you and makes you a happier person

✔ You want to create forward motion to build a life of greater autonomy and self-possession to enrich more lives, and make a bigger difference

✔ You know you're as important as your work in this world and you need to personally sustain yourself with divine inspiration and energy to enable your creative projects to fully flourish

It doesn't matter if we are in different time zones

My "office hours" are Tuesdays — Saturdays:

(EDT) USA & Canada 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
(PDT) USA & Canada 7 a.m. to 11 a.m.
(GMT) UK 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
(CET) Europe 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
(AWST) Australia 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.
(AEDT) Australia 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Alternative appointments by mutual arrangement.

Flexible and Highly Confidential

You can be on your couch or at your kitchen table anywhere in the world in your own comfortable environment.

You won’t bump into your neighbourhood gossip coming out of my consultation room.

No need to find a sitter for your children, to travel to my office or find a parking space!

I would love to help you feel grounded and powerful in your own energy, connected to cosmic intelligence, experiencing more ease and flow.

A new way of being. Let's get started!

The first step is to fill out your application form.

Secure Payment via PayPal

You don’t need a Paypal account to make a secure payment with Paypal. Simply ignore the prompts and continue with "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" to purchase.

Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this purchase it is final and you are acknowledging and agreeing to my standard terms and conditions.

Another Happy Client! |

I feel much more relaxed with my practice. Before, all of the books I read were so stiff and kind of predictable.

Stella helped me immensely to incorporate magic into every task of every day and it has been very peaceful and nurturing. Hard to describe but feels very real for me.


Kentucky, USA

Another Happy Client! |

The long term working with Stella is magical and I have stopped worrying so much!

The entire experience really exceeded my expectations. It’s the support, the answers within, the pathway to get there, being led through unique processes, the healing and the accountability.

A mentoring passage with Stella is essential if you want to; strengthen your connection to your personal power, learn and feel confident in listening to messages from your higher self and Spirit, and deepen your connection to the flow of the universe while learning to allow but also take aligned action, which is exactly what I wanted.

Heidi Lidholm |

Chamonix, France

Another Happy Client! |

Stella Seaspirit is the kind of magic I don't often encounter. And that's saying something, because I know magic.❤❤❤

I've been at work on a project for more months than I care to count, and not until Stella showed up to the party did it start to come together. That girl is magic!!

Jeannette Maw |

Utah, USA

All of Stella’s energy healing from the inside out is what makes this passage way beyond any mentoring program I have seen or studied!

During the passage, I became resistant to doing some of the work required and saw that it’s easy to release yet not easy to create new – this is what surprised me the most. I now know that it was also because I had no idea who I was. I cannot even put this into words!

I have learned that I need a support system and someone to be accountable to. Stella brings you to a place that you can begin to build the Self that you know you have inside of you that has been asking you to come out and blossom.


Saskatchewan, Canada


How do I know if you're the right mentor?

Answer: 99.9% of my clients work with me because they trust me. Everything I advocate I have learnt and experienced for myself first-hand so I know it works. I don’t purport to know everything, always learning through furthering my education. I take being in the highest energy for my clients very seriously so that I can offer you the best experience.

Have more questions? You can contact me and I will be happy to answer them. (I answer my own email).


What if this doesn't work for me?

Answer: This process is your guide to accessing your creative cosmic talents. We never know when (or how) something will show up, but what we do know is, the more you engage this work, the more your sensitivity to higher realms and subtle energy increases, and the more palpable their presence becomes in your life.

In my experience with energy transfiguration I have come to know that there are very few instances where it is unable to bear some influence so even if we do not achieve the exact results we set out to obtain, we will still cast a favourable sway in your situation.

My focus will always be on what you can do to restore wholeness and activate your best self.

I haven't started my spiritual practice yet. Can I still work with you?

Answer: Yes, the beauty of this container is the potent intentional space held on our calls together. We all know life happens, taking attention off our divine soul connection. During our calls I guide you through a process I developed over decades to take your spiritual knowing to cosmic being, fast.  

Shifting a single limiting belief will release a torrent of creativity, insight and confidence. Our work together will also support you in cultivating a lifetime of connection, conscious intention and grounded spiritual practices.

Do you offer refunds?

Answer: No. As this is a bespoke service, supplies are used and time is spent therefore, I do not offer any refunds for any reason. No cancellations. No exceptions. Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this service, your purchase is final.

You can read my website terms and conditions of service here.

Ready to move beyond linear definitions of power to step into truly powerful human cosmic being?

I would love to witness what possibilities this new understanding will unlock for you in every area of your life, personally and professionally.

Let's do this!

Secure Payment via PayPal

You don’t need a Paypal account to make a secure payment with Paypal. Simply ignore the prompts and continue with "Pay by Debit or Credit Card" to purchase.

Please understand that when you invest in yourself with this purchase it is final and you are acknowledging and agreeing to my standard terms and conditions.

Stella Seaspirit | Spiritual Life Coach + Reiki Master |

Stella Seaspirit is a spiritual mentor who helps people reunite with their soul wisdom so they can consciously explore a deeper bond with their interdimensional or spiritual nature.

She is a qualified holistic therapist, certified life coach, Usui Reiki master and holds a postgraduate degree in psychology.

Stella works with spiritual seekers using a variety of modalities and sacred rituals to help them connect to their intrinsic magic.