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Ready for more clarity, calm, confidence and connection through mutually cooperative interaction with the unseen realms and ancient forces?

Cosmic Flow

A bespoke altar light loaded with enchanted oils, ancient Runes and Reiki within a high frequency quartz grid for pure Source light to favourably intercede in your situation.

$25 USD

Cosmic Crystal Catalyst

A done-for-you rite, performed remotely, designed to dismantle barriers and pave the way for divine synchronicities by elevating your frequency for more personal peace and poise as you take bold actions and excel in your endeavours.


Breakthrough Session

A Powerful 90-Minute facilitation to initiate a vortex of momentum for where you most desire to grow, shift and create now for a quantum leap.

$497 USD

Deep Magick

A high level 1:1 energetic container designed to clear away all your limitations so you can create at the highest level and bring your dreams into form more quickly and efficiently.

Fun and fluid, there is no "X number of calls" etc. We address everything that needs to be cleared, upgraded, transmuted, rearranged etc. in your energy field/consciousness.

However that looks is how that looks! E.G. If you want to talk for 3 days in a row, then email me for the next week, that’s what we'll do. If you want to talk once a week and email me in-between, then we do that.

If you need something, you let me know and you will always hear from me within 24 hours.

This is NOT me holding your hand, taking care of you or rescuing you. I will stand strong and witness you, help you shift, be 100% honest and call you out on things that are not in your best interests so that you invest your time and energy in building the best foundation for your success.

Please click the button below to let me know what’s happening for you in your life situation right now, what you feel you want and need, and how you feel I can best support you.

$3,444 USD per month
(3-month minimum commitment)