Household chores are only mindless time sucks if you approach them that way. Here’s how you can powerfully and regularly transform the energy in your life as you dust, clean and organise.

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You're a spiritual seeker who has invested in various trainings for spiritual modalities, spending hours reading and studying about cosmic connection...
However, you still aren't implementing
what you already know on a practical level.
You're weary of all the superficial fluff and you might have encountered some whacky characters on your quest...
There is another way.
I help you live a more magical life with your feet firmly on the ground.
I do this by guiding you through the steps to interact with the everlasting mystical forces of the cosmos in a manner that is lucid and logical.
Hey There! I'm Stella.
My specialty is taking you from spiritual knowing to cosmic being. As a lifelong mystic with over two decades of personal practice, I know exactly what it entails to build an etheric ladder between the material world and divine.
This is my home on the interweb where I share my lived experience deepening conscious relationship with Source as well as the celestial and elemental energies within, via straightforward, practical techniques.
Full Disclosure
There is a huge difference between intellectualising metaphysical principles versus actually practicing them as a living philosophy.
If you're done reading about cosmic connection and ready to start recognising and feeling your own true interdimensional nature, cohering with Source energy, you're in the right place.
Peruse Some of the Resources On The Blog
Household chores are only mindless time sucks if you approach them that way. Here’s how you can powerfully and regularly transform the energy in your life as you dust, clean and organise.
Often people mistakenly think a daily practise involves lots of extra time or access to wide open spaces.
How to create customised ritual and real spells (with examples) plus how this is beneficial to you.
How do you put your thoughts into words about what you believe in, when it comes to explaining your spiritual path to others?
Who a cosmic lightweaver is, what they do and the way they might feel drawn to perform acts of magick with the celestial realm and creative intelligence of the universe.
How to create portable altars if you are on the go, or have limited space and privacy for creating an altar that is a discrete power portal.
What an altar is, how it really works, how to construct your own powerful altar (plus what to do with it once you have one).
How to apply lunar energy streams practically to positively influence your personal situation each week of the lunar cycle to activate your highest most joyful path.
How to increase your spiritual connection, communicate with spirit guides and quicken your spiritual awakening.